Saturday, February 24, 2024

Miss Berry - Mastiff

Miss Berry - Mastiff

Thanx Crystal G.

A mastiff is a large and powerful type of dog.Mastiffs are among the largest dogs, and typically have a short coat, a long low-set tail and large feet; the skull is large and bulky, the muzzle broad and short and the ears drooping and pendant-shaped.

Linking up with: Samstagsplausch , Viewing Nature With Eileen , Gartenwonne

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Wally Norfolk Terrier

Wally Norfolk Terrier

Thanx Audra C.D.D.

norfolk terrier

Wally Norfolk Terrier

Norfolk Terriers despite their toyish qualities, are genuine terriers'feisty, confident, sturdy, and game for adventure. Norfolk Terriers are among the smallest working terriers, standing no higher than 10 inches at the shoulder. The coat is hard, wiry, and straight.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Bailey Maremma Sheepdog

Bailey Maremma Sheepdog

Thanx Ken J.

Maremma Sheepdog

Bailey Maremma Sheepdog

Sturdy and muscular, the Maremma is a large and heavy dog, with a coarse protective white coat, and dense warm undercoat. The broad head and small high set ears give the Maremma a kindly yet dignified expression.

Linking up with: Samstagsplausch , Viewing Nature With Eileen , Gartenwonne

Friday, February 2, 2024

Kodi Leonberger

Kodi Leonberger

Thanx Carol K.


Kodi Leonberger

The Leonberger is a lush-coated giant of German origin. They have a gentle nature and serene patience and they relish the companionship of the whole family. A huge and powerful dog, yes, but the Leonberger is also known for his aristocratic grace and elegance.