Thursday, March 30, 2023

Van Dogh

Van Dogh

Thanx Silmara C.

Van Dogh

Ted Maremma Sheepdog

Ted Maremma Sheepdog

Thanx Lilly S.

maremma sheepdog

maremma sheepdog

maremma sheepdog

This is a large, sturdy dog with a coarse white outercoat and dense protective undercoat. The dog should be a solid white colour and feature heavy bones and well developed musculature. The head is wide between the ears and narrows to the muzzle. The ears are small and high set.The Maremma Sheepdog is typical of a livestock guardian, possessing a natural protective instinct. They are friendly and loyal to their own family but can be wary of strangers. They like children in their own family but need to be supervised when other children come to visit. They use their size and voice as a deterrent, and are not usually an aggressive dog.

Ripley The Cat

RipleyThe Cat

Thanx Sierra S.

cat ripley

cat ripley

cat ripley

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Monday, March 27, 2023

Baltazar English Setter

Baltazar English Setter

Thanx Andrea N.

english setter

english setter

english setter
English Setter

English Setters are intensely friendly by nature. Well mannered with other dogs, and loyal and affectionate by disposition, this breed is ideal as a companion for adults and children. English Setters are truly reliable in temperament, so thoroughly deserve the honour of being called 'the gentlemen and gentlewomen of the dog world'.This is a dog that thrives on human contact, so English Setters will not take happily to being left to their own resources for long periods of time.

Frankie The Cat

Frankie The Cat

cat frankie

cat frankie

cat frankie
Cat Frankie

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Jim Basset Hound

Jim Basset Hound

Thanx Keith R.

basset hound

basset hound

basset hound
Basset Hound

Basset Hound - It is fortunate that such a large, solid hound has such a placid nature. It should be outgoing, but gentle and loving. Similar to many breeds, Basset Hounds take 18 months to three years to fully mature. During this juvenile stage they are full of energy and tend to get into mischief. However, with firm and consistent discipline, these dogs make well-mannered and much loved family members.

Kruger and Sierra

Kruger and Sierra

Thanx Caroline P.


